PU jun, YAN Xiao-pei |
Sun Yat-Sen Uiversity, Guangzhou 510275, China |
Abstract The specialized-township economy is one kind of new economic phenomena in the developed area along the coast of China. The specialized-township economy is a subsystem of the regional economy system, which plays a significant role in the economic development of the coastal regions in China. Positive functions of the specialized-township economy are recognized, although its canonical definition has not come into being in the academic cycle.
This paper includes five chapters. Chapter One is an introduction. The general situation of economic development of Foshan Metropolitan Area is introduced. Chapter Two analyses the emergence and essence of the specialized-township economy in Foshan Metropolitan Area. As the third cities in Guangdong province and one of the most important cities in the Peal River Delta, Foshan city has typical specialized-township economy, which material pattern is abundant. The specialized-township economy weighs a large proportion in economic development of this city, and the summation of 21 specialized towns' GDP is more than half of the whole city's. Chapter Three induces the main characteristics of the specialized-township economy. Chapter Four lists some serious problems concerning with development of the specialized-township economy in Foshan Metropolitan Area. The existent problems in development of the specialized-township economy should be paid serious attention to.
In the end, some strategic advices which help drive the development of the specialized-township economy and countermeasures resolve the problems of development are put forth. Local government should play a dominant pole in "garden industrial economy", by making correct urban planning and industrial planning, making up mode of intensive land utilizing, fetching in talents and training the local employees, helping build up close link between enterprises and universities and research client. The enterprises should actively broaden common field with universities and research client, intensify the research and development of key technology, and optimize their product structure.
Received: 11 June 2003