TAO Yu-guo1, ZHAO Hui-yong2, LI Yong-le1 |
1. School of History Culture and Tourism, Xuzhou Normal University, Xuzhou 221116, China;
2. Tourism Bureau of Xuzhou, Xuzhou 221003, China |
Abstract The attitude theory offers a convergence platform for city image and city tourism image. A structural equation model of city tourism image is built in the context of city image. However, the study of city tourism image is rare. It is a structural equation model with casual relationships, which is made up of 8 latent variables and 28 observed variables. 8 latent variables are tourism attractions perceptive, tourism service perceptive, satisfaction, loyalty, people character of urban, people competencies, urban competencies and urban character. The first four latent variables are based on traditional tourism image portion, and the last four latent variables are based on urban image. Based on the analysis of skewness, kurtosisi and Cronbach Alpha reliability of data, applying the software SPSS15.0 and LISREL8.70, taking Xuzhou as an example, the paper analyzes the confirmatory factor and path coefficient of the structural equation model. The result shows that, first, the path coefficients between the latent variables are basically consistent with the assumption, and the whole SEM fits well. Second, tourism resources cognition and tourism service cognition affect tourism destination evaluation directly and affect tourism intentions indirectly. This is consistent with the traditional research. Third, the effect of tourism service cognition to satisfaction evaluation is greater than tourism resources cognition. It means that the factors of influencing tourism image of Xuzhou are comprehensive-oriented ones, but not resource-dominant ones. Fourth, city character and people character affect tourism service cognition, satisfaction and loyalty, but city competence and people competence just affect tourism service cognition. Fifth, the influencing factors of satisfaction include tourism service cognition, tourism resources cognition, urban character and people character of urban. Finally, the influencing factors of loyalty include urban character and people character of urban besides satisfaction.
Received: 10 January 2010