TIAN Li, ZHONG Hong-wei |
School of Business and Tourism Management, Yunnan University, Kunming 650091, China |
Abstract Frequent tourist crowding events in scenic spots in China has become a hot topic in the study of tourism geography. In view of the causes of tourist crowding, a certain number of research results have been formed in the academic circle at home and abroad, but few studies have analyzed the forming factors and affecting paths of tourist crowding from the perspective of event process. With the help of the aggregated news retrieval function of Baidu and Google search engine, the news reports of typical domestic tourist crowding events are obtained as case data, then this paper extracts and analyzes the forming factors of tourist crowding events by using the analysis method of Grounded Theory. The results show that:1) The formation of crowding events is caused by the "push-pull" of tourist demand and supply and the restriction of the holiday system, forming the spatial and temporal concentration of tourist flow; 2) Bad weather, terrain, traffic, behavioral interference and other factors catalyze the pressure of passenger flow, posing a threat to the carrying capacity of scenic spots and resulting in the phenomenon of tourist crowding; 3) The deficiencies in scenic spot planning, monitoring, early warning, information release and emergency response bring about the expansion of the influence of the crowding phenomenon, and eventually lead to the tourist crowding events with quite negative social impact; 4) There are four typical affecting paths of the forming factors of crowding events, which need to be managed and controlled from the aspects of scenic spot informatization, civilized tourism, supply optimization and vacation system perfection. This study analyzes the formation factors of tourist crowding events and the interaction mechanism among these factors, which provides a reference from the perspective of analysis and theoretical framework to explain how the phenomenon of tourist crowding in scenic spots in China is formed.
Received: 16 September 2020
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