XIE Shuang-yu1,2, YIN Jiao-jiao1,2, QIAO Hua-fang1,2, LU Jing1, LI Lin1,2, WANG An-qi1 |
1. School of Urban and Environmental Science, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China;
2. Wuhan Branch of China Tourism Academy, Wuhan 430079, China |
Abstract In order to answer the question "how to distinguish tourism poverty-alleviation (TPA) modes and whether different TPA modes have different poverty alleviation effects", a multi-element collaborative framework of TPA resources composed of location (L)-industry (I)-culture (C) was proposed as the basis for identifying the TPA mode of a village. Guided by this framework and using the interview data, 22 TPA key villages in 4 counties in the south of Enshi prefecture were divided into four modes. Then, residents' perception of TPA effects were compared among different TPA mode villages by using the questionnaire survey data and ANOVA method. The results show that:1) Residents' perception of economic benefits, economic costs, environmental costs and social costs are significantly different among different TPA mode villages, indicating that TPA mode is a factor influencing the TPA effects; 2) The difference mainly derived from the well-known landscape dominant mode, the ecological agriculture dominant mode and the other two modes, the former two mode villages residents perceived economic benefits higher and meanwhile economic, environmental or social costs higher than those from the latter ones, implying that TPA has brought economic benefits and simultaneously economic, environmental and social costs. Accordingly, the paper puts forward some countermeasures and suggestions to promote TPA in ethnic areas.
Received: 31 December 2020
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