MA Li-ya1, XIU Chun-liang2 |
1. School of Geography Science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China;
2. School of Jang Ho Architecture, Northeast University, Shenyang 110819, China |
Abstract This study adopts Shenyang as an example, integrates the layout of residential and commercial facilities and the shopping travel willingness of residents, analyzes the spatial distribution characteristics of residential and commercial facilities in Shenyang via spatial analysis methods, measures the supply and demand relationships of the shopping activities of residents with the Gaussian two-step floating catchment area method and inconsistency index, and explores the spatial matching relationship between residential and commercial facilities in Shenyang. This study helps to realize the rationality and fairness of urban commercial space allocation, which is of great importance to improve urban functional spaces, optimize the spatial structure of a given city, and organize living elements in a fair way. The results indicate that:1) The residential facilities in Shenyang exhibit an agglomeration distribution, and the agglomeration of a single residential function is stronger than that of commercial and residential dual-use functions. 2) The commercial facilities in Shenyang demonstrate notable clustering characteristics in the central part of the city, and there are different ranges of clustering areas in the peripheral areas. 3) Residents choose to travel to the central part of the city more often to obtain high-quality commercial functions during weekends and holidays, and the distance for shopping trips mostly ranges from 2000 m-5000 m. 4) There exists a spatial mismatch between the residential and commercial functions, and commercial centers greatly attract residents.
Received: 04 April 2021
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