ZENG Guo-jun, WU Jie, WANG Long-jie |
School of Tourism Management, Sun Yant-sen University, Zhuhai 519082, China |
Abstract Body is an important lens to observe and interpret social cultural phenomena. Based on the geography of body, to explore the relationship between the other bodies and urban spaces can provide a useful perspective for understanding the integration of marginalized groups and urban public spaces. As a kind of Other who are discrepant with dominant cultures, many homelessness spend the night at McDonald's and are called McSleepers. Based on the contradictory social phenomenon, this paper takes certain McDonald's in Zhuhai as an example, through observation and interview, from the perspective of geography of body, discusses otherness of the physical characteristics of McSleepers, and how they negotiate with and integrate into the food spaces through physical practice, so as to analyze the process mechanism of marginalized groups' integration into urban public spaces. This study argues that 1) The physical characteristics of McSleepers are distinctly otherness, which is embodied in both physical body and practical body; 2) McSleepers negotiate with the food spaces through physical bodily practice (temporal and spatial segregation) and non-physical bodily practice (the construction of self-identity, management and constraints within the group, build emotional connections with dominant groups), so as to achieve de-otherness and integration into food spaces in particular time and space. This article establishes a theoretical analysis framework of the interaction between the other bodies and the urban public spaces, and complements the theories of the geography of body in terms of bodily practices.
Received: 01 April 2021
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