TANG Mao-lin1,2 |
1. School of Geography, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210023, China; 2. Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application, Nanjing 210023, China |
Abstract Academic dialogue is one of the preconditions and guarantees for the healthy development of academics. Academic translation and taking part in international conferences are important ways for Chinese scholars to talk with the world academic. Although this kind of dialogue with international academic circles is important, the interaction and dialogue between domestic disciplines and sub-disciplines or research approaches are more important and often ignored by Chinese scholars. Dialogue between disciplines is an important mechanism to ensure the healthy development of science, and this kind of dialogue is particularly important for geography (geography is positioned as a bridge discipline), and helps to improve the social identity and discipline status of human geography. The basic forms of academic dialogues include academic seminars, literature reviews in papers, theses and monogoraphes, review papers, project proposals, and debate between journal author(s) and peer experts. The communication and dialogues within a discipline are equally important, involving strengthening the dialogue and confrontation between different research approaches, improving the discussion links of academic seminars, and strengthening academic book reviews. In order to fulfill the mission of human geography, we need to pay close attention to various forms of academic dialogue, to eliminate misunderstandings, to enhance the consensus among scholars, to make more efforts in explanatory progress and conceptual progress, to tolerate academic criticism, and seriously to absorb the beneficial components of academic criticism, and to promote the knowledge production and disciplinary progress.
Received: 17 August 2023
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