Department of Geography, Nanjing University, Nanjing 210093, China |
Abstract Geographical research of Oracle bone inscription (OBI)of Yin Dynasty, seems to be focused on the textural research on place naming system, without enough attention to subjective attribute of landscape which reflects hum an-land relationship of Yin Dy nasty. OBI contains more information on image landscape than that on real landscape and abstract landscape. It is proposed that the configuration of hieroglyph of OBI characters of place names reflects the perception models, landscape classification system, and landscape type of the places of Yin Dynasty. With statistics of landscape elements and place names, it is proposed that the result implies the perception dimension of landscape fear or place of fear. As to the fact some river served as natural god and o thers changed to ancestor god, it is suggest that it reflect the changing process of attitude to the natural fact from negative fear to positive attitude of accepting or worship. The dimension of space of Yin people has got both physical nature and mysterious nature.Landscapes were classified into several general landscape types, i.e., mountain and hill, plain, river, forest, domestic and wild animals, and meteorology.The criterion of landscape characters used for further classification within a general landscape type include morphology, spatial structure, physical character, orientation and aspect, characteristic animal and totem. Yin people also got certain idea of landscape complex or assemble rather than systematic integrated landscape with certain functions. And there were also certain classifications of landscape complex, although without regular principle.The dimensions of Yin's landscape were analyzed based on the statistics of landscape connotative place names.It is suggested that the phenomena that there were much more rivers and landforms connotative place names than that of seigneur name implies that the river and relieves was still important obstacle for the behavior of Yin people. As for relationship between landscape elements implied by OBI, some are the natural law understood by Yin people, while others are just imagination or fancy.Meanwhile, some characters of hieroglyph of OBI with special configuration, such as 囿 (large pastured park)reveal the model of visualization of landscape of Yin people to some ex tent.
Received: 27 August 2002