HAN Zeng-lin1, GUO Yuan-yuan1, WANG Ze-yu2, ZHANG Zhen2 |
.College of Urban and Environment, Liaoning Normal University, DaLian 116029, China;
2. Center for Studies of Marine Economy and Sustainable Development, Liaoning Normal University, Dalian 116029, China |
Abstract Based on the contents interpretation of low carbon transition, this article establishes an evaluation index system for low carbon transition of cities around the Bohai bay using panel data of 17 coastal cities around the Bohai bay from 2005 to 2012 The evaluation index system employs combination weighting approach based on integrated analysis to evaluate and study the aforementioned aspects and uses kernel density estimation model and geographic information system (GIS) spatial analysis to conduct spatiotemporal changing analysis of the results to reveal the internal changing rules. By doing so, the inherit variation rules are revealed, accompanying with the following conclusions: Firstly, from the macroscopic perspective, the performance of low carbon transition of coastal cities along Bohai bay from 2005 to 2012 was not getting obvious progress. Secondly, from the perspective divided by indexes, there was no great change of economic development of cities around the Bohai bay in spatial framework. Last but not the least, the spatial and temporal disparities of performances in low carbon transitions of cities around the Bohai bay were due to multiple reasons, including economic and social supporting factors such as capital, human resources and infrastructures etc.
Received: 25 July 2016
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邵磊,陈郁,张树深.基于AHP和熵权的跨界突发性大气环境风险 源模糊综合评价[J].中国人口·资源与环境,2010,20(3):135-138.[Shao Lei, Chen Yu, Zhang Shushen. Fuzzy synthetic evaluation of cross border atmospheric environment risk source based on entropy and AHP[J]. China Population, Resources and Environment, 2010, 20(3):135-138.]
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