YANG Zhen-shan1,2, SU Zi-lin3, DING Yue4, CHENG Zhe5 |
1. Key Lab of Regional Sustainable Development and Modelling, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
2. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China;
3. Linchen Town People's Government, Huitong County, Huaihua, Hunan Province, Huaihua 418300, China;
4. China Center for Information Industry Development, Beijing 100020, China;
5. School of Economic, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China |
Abstract Urban residential space and social space are deeply influenced by school catchments' complex externalities. This paper provides a definition of school catchment and school catchment houses. By resolving school catchments' externalities, we address that a complicated game relationship exists between school catchments, schools, individuals and government. With the implementation of nearby enrollment policy, government has distributed basic educational resources to citizens according to their residence. The demand for school catchment houses exceeds the supply. The price of school catchment houses has become higher and higher. As a consequence, school catchments and school catchment houses has generated positive and negative externalities. In the economic aspect, positive externalities reflect on individual level while negative externalities more are on the whole market. The externalities shape urban spaces undoubtedly. The substantial appreciation of prices makes only the rich can afford school catchment houses and high-quality educational resources. Indeed high-quality educational resources have been capitalized into school catchment houses price. On the basis of sorting out the experience of major cities in developed countries, this article points out that present zoning policy is making the scarcity of school catchments become increasingly intruding rather than fading, which push school catchment houses prices up. In terms of modern education's function, policies need to take both equity and differentiation into account.
Received: 11 August 2017
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王振坡,梅林,王丽艳.基础教育资源资本化及均衡布局对策研究:以天津为例[J].现代财经(天津财经大学学报),2014(7):92-102.[Wang Zhenbo, Mei Lin, Wang Liyan. Research on the capitalization and countermeasures to equilibrium distribution of basic educational resources:A case study of Tianjin[J]. Modern Finance and Economics-Journal of Tianjin University of Finance and Economics, 2014(7):92-102.]
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戴特奇,王梁,张宇超,等.农村学校撤并后规模约束对学校优化布局的影响——以北京延庆区为例[J].地理科学进展,2016,35(11):1352-1359.[Dai Teqi, Wang Liang, Zhang Yuchao, et al. Optimizing school distribution with constraints of school size after school consolidation in rural China:A case study of Yanqing district, Beijing city[J]. Progress in Geography, 2016,35(11):1352-1359.]
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王代芬,王碧梅. "买房择校":被定格的教育机会[J].教育学术月刊,2016(4):48-54.[Wang Daifen, Wang Bimei. Buying house for scholl-choosing:Restricted educational opportunities[J]. Education Research Monthly, 2016(4):48-54.]
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陈友华,方长春.社会分层与教育分流——一项对义务教育阶段"划区就近入学" 等制度安排公平性的实证研究[J].江苏社会科学,2007(1):229-235.[Chen Youhua, Fang Changchun. Social stratification and educational differentiation:An empirical study of fair-ness of zone division and admission into the nearest school for the compulsory education[J]. Jiangsu Social Sciences, 2007(1):229-235.]
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朱静宜.居住分异与社会分层的相互作用研究——以上海为例[J].城市观察,2015(5):98-107.[Zhu Jingyi. Interaction between residential differentiation and social stratification:A case study of Shanghai[J]. Urban Insight, 2015(5):98-107.]
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邵燕. "学区房" 对义务教育机会均等化的影响——基于J市C街道学区调整的个案研究[J].山西青年职业学院学报,2015,28(3):101-104.[Shao Yan. The influence of houses in school-admissiondistrict on equal compulsory education[J]. Journal of Shanxi Youth Vocational Collage, 2015,28(3):101-104.]
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陈培阳.中国城市学区绅士化及其社会空间效应[J].城市发展研究,2015,22(8):55-60.[Chen Peiyang. Jiaoyufication and its sociospatial consequences in urban China[J]. Urban Development Studies, 2015,22(8):55-60.]
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张品.试析学区房的形成及其社会效应——以天津市为例[J].社会工作(学术版),2011(12):87-90.[Zhang Pin. Formation of school district house and its social effects:An example in Tianjin[J]. Journal of Social Work, 2011(12):87-90.]
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吴启焰.大城市居住空间分异的理论与实证研究[M].北京:科学出版社,2016.[Wu Qiyan. Residential Differentiation in Big Cities:Theories and Practices[M]. Beijing:Scientific Press, 2016.]
[28] |
Black S E. Do better schools matter? Parental valuation of elementary education[J]. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1999,114(2):577-599.
[24] |
Thiem C H. Thinking through education:The geographies of contemporary educational restructuring[J]. Progress in Human Geography, 2009,33(2):154-173.
[29] |
Altonji J G, Dunn T A. Using siblings to estimate the effect of school quality on wages[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1996,78(4):665-671.
[25] |
Gibson H. The value of new:Elementary school facility age and associated housing price[J]. Journal of Housing Research, 2011,20(1):67-86.
[30] |
Olds K. Global assemblage:Singapore, foreign universities, and the construction of a ‘global education hub’[J]. World Development, 2007,35(6):959-975.
[26] |
戴特奇,王梁,张宇超,等.农村学校撤并后规模约束对学校优化布局的影响——以北京延庆区为例[J].地理科学进展,2016,35(11):1352-1359.[Dai Teqi, Wang Liang, Zhang Yuchao, et al. Optimizing school distribution with constraints of school size after school consolidation in rural China:A case study of Yanqing district, Beijing city[J]. Progress in Geography, 2016,35(11):1352-1359.]
[31] |
Trujillo T M, Hernandez L E, Jarrell T, et al. Community schools as urban district reform:Analyzing Oakland's policy landscape through oral histories[J]. Urban Education, 2014,49(8):895-929.
[27] |
Cellini S R, Ferreira F, Rothstein J. The value of school facility investments:Evidence from a dynamic regression discontinuity design[J]. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 2010,125(1):215-261.
[32] |
Zangger C. The social geography of education:Neighborhood, class composition, and the educational achievement of elementary school students in Zurich, Switzerland[J]. Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie, 2015,44(4):292-310.
[28] |
Black S E. Do better schools matter? Parental valuation of elementary education[J]. Quarterly Journal of Economics, 1999,114(2):577-599.
[29] |
Altonji J G, Dunn T A. Using siblings to estimate the effect of school quality on wages[J]. Review of Economics and Statistics, 1996,78(4):665-671.
[30] |
Olds K. Global assemblage:Singapore, foreign universities, and the construction of a ‘global education hub’[J]. World Development, 2007,35(6):959-975.
[31] |
Trujillo T M, Hernandez L E, Jarrell T, et al. Community schools as urban district reform:Analyzing Oakland's policy landscape through oral histories[J]. Urban Education, 2014,49(8):895-929.
[32] |
Zangger C. The social geography of education:Neighborhood, class composition, and the educational achievement of elementary school students in Zurich, Switzerland[J]. Zeitschrift Fur Soziologie, 2015,44(4):292-310.