LIU Cheng-liang1,2,3, XUE Shuai-jun1 |
1. School of Urban and Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;
2. Institute for Global Innovation & Development, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
3. Institute of Eco-Chongming, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China |
Abstract The complex feature of spatial inequality has become a hot research issue in urban geography. With the accelerating urbanization, the analysis of intra-urban structure and the procedure of spatial heterogeneity is difficult to carry out owing to the complexit. In addation, more attention was focused on structural heterogeneity of urban public facilities than functional difference yet. To fill this gap, based on API data of five public facilities, the spatial inequality and centralization of public service facilities were showcased. This paper studies the special features in terms of structure and function of Central Shanghai. It is interesting that unique phenomenon of spatial inequality and polarization in Central Shanghai is occured in some way:First of all, the structure that is typical core-peripheral trait is evidently observed in the whole public service facilities. In detail, they are mainly concentrated in the urbanized areas, showing a high-level aggregation. Indeed it is consistent with our perception as well. Secondly, though different public service facilities are of different spatial structural characteristics. That is to say, significant differences are found in the layout of public facilities of Shanghai in view of functional characteristic. Obviously, two typical clustering models of public facilities are found due to space, rent, nature of service, and so on. Thirdly, it is surprising that, in recent years, the multi-center structure of education and medical service facilities has been steadily increasing. What's more, it has presented new features of increased spatial disparity, and it enhanced spatial agglomeration. Last but not least, we need to point out that townships in Shanghai's main downtown area are developing slowly in the process of urbanization.
Received: 06 December 2017
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