TA Na1,2, CHAI Yan-wei3 |
1. Key Laboratory of Geographic Information Science(Ministry of Education), East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;
2. School of Geographic Sciences, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200241, China;
3. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China |
Abstract The social and economic transition has brought dramatic changes to Chinese cities. Promoting human-oriented urbanization and development is receiving more and more attention. The core objectives of urban planning and development are increasingly focusing on refined social planning and management, targeted to improving the quality of life of residents. The changes in social structure and spatial organization have a profound impact on household structure and individual life, and improving living standards and quality of life has become the common pursuit of urban residents. Meanwhile, urban lifestyles show some specific features compared to Western countries, due to the interaction of market and institutional factors. Thus it is particularly important to understand the daily life of urban residents and analyze the interaction between urban space and residents' lifestyles. Based on the theoretical basis of lifestyle theory from sociology, time geography and activity-based approach, this paper analyzes the relationship between urban lifestyle and space-time behavior from the three dimensions, including behavioral background, decision-making mechanism and behavioral model.Based on the existing literature at home and abroad, this paper proposes to measure the lifestyle of Chinese cities using space-time behavior indicators. This paper further analyzes the connotation of behavioral background and decision-making process, and proposes an analytical framework for the impact mechanism of lifestyle in Chinese cities. Key words: space-time behavior
Received: 31 March 2018
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