CAI Jin1, YU Yang-chun2, QIU Ji-qin1 |
1. College of Tourism and land Resource, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China;
2. College of Business Planning, Chongqing Technology and Business University, Chongqing 400067, China |
Abstract With the thorough implementation of National Accurate Poverty Alleviation Policy across the country, how to measure the change of peasant household income in poor areas and find out the key factors that affect the growth of income, so as to provide better suggestions for "one family one policy". This paper is based on the survey data of poor and non-poor rural poor households in Wuling mountainous area and Qinba mountainous area of Chongqing, and the double difference model is used to test the effect of Accurate Poverty Alleviation Policy on the income growth of the rural poor households. The results show that under the support of Accurate Poverty Alleviation Policy, the per capita net income of rural poor households increased significantly. What's more, their income gap is further narrowing compared with non rural poor households. Their major household income source changed from a single channel to multi-channel, and the average per capita income of the crop farming and livestock breeding grows most rapidly which account for 61.87%. The factors such as the age, family population, the number of the elderly and children, agricultural acreage, radius of farming, whether to develop characteristic industries etc, have significant influence on the per capita net income of rural poor households. The key to guarantee the rural poor households to get rid of poverty and increase income continually is to develop characteristic industries and solve the problem for rural poor households in the aspect of education, medical care, housing and land abandonment. Key words: accurate poverty alleviation
Received: 21 May 2018
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