WANG Yong, ZHU Ya-qin |
School of Architecture and Urban Planning, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215011, China |
Abstract Ancient water towns in the south of Yangtze River are the higher combination of social and economic activities in Jiangnan. As the carrier of function, the space is a key link in the protection and development of the ancient towns. The protection and development of ancient towns are of great significance to the survival of traditional culture and the construction of human settlements. As the first water town in China, Zhouzhuang Ancient Town is the "leading sheep" of the ancient water towns in Jiangnan. Its tourism development and protection participants are complex, stage-specific, typical and representative, which provides an excellent empirical case for studying the spatial evolution path of the ancient water town in Jiangnan. From the perspective of actor network theory, taking Zhouzhuang Ancient Town as a typical case, it analyzes the role path of actors in the spatial evolution according to the stage division of tourism development. The study found that changes in the intentions of key actors and the network structure of actors have promoted the spatial reconstruction and evolution of Zhouzhuang Ancient Town. In the phase of tourism development, the government of Zhouzhuang promoted the formation and development of the actor network through administrative recruitment and expert-led recruitment as a key actor. As a result, the commercial space grew along the river street and the cultural experience space was scattered in clusters in the ancient town; in the transformation phase of leisure and vacation, market forces began to play a greater role.
Received: 11 October 2019
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