TAO Yin-hua, CHAI Yan-wei, YANG Jie |
College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China |
Abstract Healthy lifestyles have become an important goal pursued by the government and the public in the context of building habitable cities and healthy cities. Current research on the environment-behavior-health relationships largely focused on the direct link between neighborhood environment and individual long-term health status from the static space-time perspective. Besides, behavioural mediators were simplified as the health-related behaviours or specific activity episodes. In real word, however, individual behaviour and its health outcomes are influenced by diverse urban spaces way beyond the very notion of neighborhood effect. Further, the biased selections of certain activity episodes or health-related behaviours are limited by several drawbacks, including ignoring individual behavioural tendencies and prepositions, breaking the sequence and before-and-after linkages among activity and travel episodes, and overlooking the specific geographic and social contexts when activities are carried out. Drawing solid theoretical and methodological basis from time geography and the activity-based approach, this study delineated the daily lifestyles of urban residents as activity-travel patterns involving health-related behaviours. On this basis, interventions on urban physical and social environment acted as the strategy to lead residents' health-promoting daily lifestyles and narrow the health gaps among social groups. Finally, a holistic conceptual framework was constructed to understand the relationships among mobility-based environmental exposures, activity-travel patterns and individual health outcomes, with the ultimate goal of urban environmental and social sustainable development.
Received: 12 December 2019
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