WANG Jin-lian1,2, SU Qin1, WU Xiao-xiao1 |
1. College of Geographic and Tourism, Anhui Normal University, Wuhu 241000, China;
2. College of Tourism, Huangshan University, Huangshan 245021, China |
Abstract The second home sojourn situated in the grey zone between tourism and immigrants, which is a response to the desire of people for pleasure and non-daily experience. Grounded in community field theory, this paper uses the methods of interview and observation, studies the social interaction between the second home sojourners and the local residents in Sanya city, and analyses its implication for the community development, in order to fill this gap in the literature. Community field theory provides a framework for assessing how different members create inclusive chances for the betterment of the second home sojourn destination. Guided by this approach, successful community development can be achieved through the construction of the community field. Guided by this framework, we evaluated whether and how sojourners and local residents with obvious cultural and socioeconomic backgrounds interacted with each other in Sanya city. We found that economic, social and cultural differences, and spatial barriers created a climate in which the social interaction between second home sojourners and local residents was primarily mundane social interactions such as "exchange" and "greet", and did not lead to social integration such as "help" and "integrate". The social interaction reported from local residents and second home sojourners was based on fulfilling a basic need. The social interaction presented the characteristics of "spatial" and "hierarchical". Our findings suggested that the lack of social interaction in Sanya city also extended to community development processes.
Received: 23 February 2020
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