WANG Chu-jun1, WANG Ya-li2, ZHOU Yang2 |
1. Graduate School of International Media, Communication, and Tourism Studies, Hokkaido University, Sapporo 001-0017, Japan;
2. College of Resources and Environment and Tourism, Hunan University of Art and Science, Changde 415000, China |
Abstract This paper proposed a concept of "newly constructed ancient town" from the perspective of constructivism, emphasizing its social and cultural significances. After summarizing four modes of authentication, namely top-down material construction, top-down discursive construction, bottom-up material construction, and bottom- up discursive construction, this paper developed the "authentication- spatial production" framework by incorporating theories of authentication and the production of space. This paper examined the theoretical framework with a case study of Gubei water town investigating the process and outcomes of as well as methods for cultural activation and representation within Gubei water town. Conclusions can be summarized as follows:1) The perceived space was constructed by the water town company with the authentication mode of the top-down material construction. "Renovating the new as old" was adopted as a principle producing the sense of history and culture in a brand-new material space. 2) The conceived space is the result of historical and cultural representations that embody the process of discursive construction. 3) The experiential space relies on the accumulation of tourists' individual authentic experiences. 4) During the process of authentication, elements of the spatial triad consistently interacted with each other.
Received: 07 May 2021
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