WANG Min, YE Dan-chen, WANG Hong-feng |
School of Geography, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China |
Abstract As the social sciences represented by human geography have been gradually focusing on emotions, the geo-environmental disciplines have also begun to explore how emotions affect human being's cognition of the geo-environment. The emotion of "people" is a factor that can't be ignored in the geographical pattern. Geo-emotion is a cognitive attitude among different regions, which forms an overall emotional attitude under the influence of civilization, politics, religion, economic and other factors. In the process of transnational mobility, individuals interact with different countries. This interaction may occur at the micro level, such as the interaction between migrants and communities or cities. However, for migrants, communities or cities can be regarded as the epitome of the country, an integral part of the country, including the characteristics of the country. At this time, the sense of place will rise to the sense of state. This paper starts with the emotional elements of the geo-environment and borrows theories and methods of environmental psychology to explore the influencing factors of the sense of state in the context of transnational mobility. The study was carried out by a mixed research method of qualitative and quantitative. The qualitative research adopts the methods of literature survey and in-depth interview. The main conclusions of this study are as follows:1) Transnational immigrants' sense of state is deeply influenced by various individual and social factors, among which age, education, citizenship, length of time abroad, GDP per capita in migrating countries and cultural identity; 2) Transnational leads to the interaction of traditional cultural elements between the two types of subjects. 3) The geo-environment has reshaped the sense of state of transnational migrants from multiple scales and aspects.
Received: 01 June 2021
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