SUN Ao1, LIU Yun-gang1,2 |
1. School of Geography & The Center of Administrative Division and Spatial Governance, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China; 2. Beidou Research Institute, South China Normal University, Foshan 528225, China |
Abstract The Indian reservation is the space delimited by the federal government of the United States in order to control the Indians. It is the domestic dependent nations, showing the characteristics of " a state within a state". At the same time, reservations have limited sovereignty and are not subject to most U.S. laws. The Indian reservation has experienced a long time of evolution. The essence of the evolution is that the federal government of the United States adjusts the territorial governance in order to weaken the sovereignty had by the Indians. At present, national territorial studies mainly focus on two aspects: The change of territorial scope and the change of territorial spatial function. The former refers to changes in national jurisdiction. The latter means that the state adopts various territorial governance and changes the function of territorial space. In short, the state is the subject of territorial governance; There are three types of territorial governance adjustment: granting policy status, adjusting policy status and eliminating policy status. The adjustment of territorial governance is to achieve the political goal of the state. Based on the framework of territorial governance, the conclusion of this paper is as follows: 1) The United States is the subject of the adjustment of the territorial governance of Indian reservations. 2) Under this adjustment, Indian reservations went through two periods of creation and reconstruction. 3) The adjustment of territorial governance of Indian reservations was intended to weaken the sovereignty of the reservation.
Received: 19 June 2023
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