YAN Qing-wu, BIAN Zheng-fu |
College of Environment and Spatial Informatics, China University of Mining & Technology, Xuzhou 221008, China |
Abstract Based on two rounds of the population censuses in 2000 and 2010, and 1% sample population survey in 1995 respectively, the paper analyzed the spatial and temporal changes in China's interprovincial migration flows between 1995 and 2010 by the methods of the largest interprovincial migration flows, the largest interprovincial immigration flows, the largest interprovincial emigration flows, the desire line of migration, the crude migration probability and the migration effectiveness index. The results of the analysis revealed the following characteristics of China's interprovincial migration flows. Firstly, China has experienced a dramatic increase in interprovincial migration in 1995-2010 and the main part of it is provincial migration. The interprovincial migration population in China was increasing a lot in 1995-2010, especially in the eastern part of it. The coastal regions such as South China, East China have increasingly benefited from inflows of migration, and the gap of net migration balances between the coastal regions and the interior has been widening. Net migration has become an increasingly effective factor for population redistribution. Secondly, the largest interprovincial immigration and emigration flows revealed the spatial framework of regional interaction in China, which can be divided into three attraction and radiation zones respectively. The total number of migration, immigration and emigration, the relative proportion of interprovincial and provincial migration have been positively correlated to the regional economic development level. Thirdly, the distribution of the largest interprovincial immigration flows is related to the migration effectiveness index, which mainly distributed in the southeast coastal area and rarely in the western region.
Received: 05 May 2014