TAO Wei, DAI Guang-quan |
Center for Tourism Planning and Research, Zhongshan University, Guangzhou 510275, China |
Abstract As a case study, this paper analyses the tourism development of three ancient towns in southern Jiangsu Province. According to their development strategy, the paper gives a cooperation-competition model(C-C model) of tourism development in adjacent regions which have similar tourist resources for the purpose of harmonizing the relationship between regional tourism competition and regional cooperation. The paper firstly touches upon the intensity of C-C model and its terms to be implemented. With a view to promote and achieve regional tourism integration, it is of fundamental significance to bring C-C model into practice, which means forming up the system of organic cooperation based on interregional competition. Under the condition of market economy, the impetus for the full implementation of C-C model derives from the development of regional tourism. I ts foundation is the relative region's benefits. Its basic way is marketing exchange and being supplemented by the local government. The final target of C-C model is to build an attractive tourist destination on the background of shaping and bringing the characteristics of all the relative regions and scenic resorts into play so as to actualize a win-win or multi-win regional tourism development structure. Four facets can be applied to realize the C-C model. The common terms include:first, there are suitable tourist resources to attract adequate tourists for the region to make enough benefits for its operation;second, the region's tourism image had been or can be perceived by tourists, or it must be supported by and near a high reputation tourist region;third, it must have a high accessibility and enough infrastructures to support the tourists' activities;finally, there are rich and colorful activities to provide mo re high quality experiences for tourists. These conditions can be summed up in a broad outline;the region must be attractive, easily perceived, accessible and functional. Following the analysis of the situation of tourism development and its possibility and feasibility to realize the C-C model in the region within the three ancient towns(Zhouzhuang, Luzhi and Tongli), the paper finally proposes three strategies to act its C-C model.
Received: 24 September 2001