PAN Kun-you1,2, CAO You-hui2 |
1. School of Economics and Management, Yancheng Institute of Technology, Yancheng 224051, China;
2. Institute of Geography and Limnology, CAS, Nanjing 210008, China |
Abstract Based on the number of citations and literature available, the paper selects 521 foreign port geographical literatures from 1914 to 2010 by referring to 13 kinds of foreign databases and 76 kinds of abroad periodicals. By combing the past nearly a century literatures, we can see that efficiency assessment, spatial competition, system evolution, port-city interaction and management constitute the main contents of port geography research. Taaffe model, Hayuth model and port regionalization models are the typical representatives, and to some extent, they lead the research contents and development direction for the port geography. On this basis, using the common literature analysis methods, the paper specially analyses the new features and tendencies of foreign port geographical researches in research results, scholars' cooperation, research regions and research topics since the 1910s. In terms of research results, foreign port geography has experienced three developing stages, such as slow growth before 1970, steady growth in 1971-2000 and rapid growth among 2001-2010 years. In research regions respect, Europe and Asia constitute the two main regions, in which the United States, Britain, Spain, China and Singapore are the major countries, and mainly concentrate in Rotterdam, Hong Kong, Busan, Antwerp, Singapore, Hamburg, Shanghai and other ports. Although the literature number of container transportation and management, supply chain trend and effect, logistic activities and value chain, supply chain integration of hinterland are fewer, it is the frontier in recent 20 years. Finally, the article points out that the fields of the foreland hinterland, port value chain and logistic resources integration will become the frontiers of Chinese port Geography with the deepening of globalization and the changing of port development environment.
Received: 22 October 2013