JIANG Chen1, MAO Zi-dan2, CHAI Yan-wei1
1. College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Peking University, Beijing 100871, China;
2. Hong Kong Baptist University, Kowloon Tong 999077, Hong Kong
Abstract:Daily activities of individuals are embedded in complex context, constrained to both geographic and social environments. Previous studies have revealed significant gender differences in activity participation of individuals. From the perspective of intra-household labor division, this paper studies on the intrahousehold differences of time spent on household affairs. A dataset from activity diary survey of Beijing urban residents in 2007 is used in our analysis. Derived from the time geography theory, the paper demonstrates the activity order of household members by focusing on the home as a pocket of local order. By analyzing the time utilization of participation in household maintenance activities, results show that female household heads spend much more time than male household heads to do household maintenance activities, and male heads tend to spend more time participating in joint activities than solo activities. Using a multivariate tobit model, the paper confirms that social and geographical factors such as family structure, number of preschool children and location of house can influence the participation in solo and joint activities of household affairs. The analysis results confirm our hypothesis that, apart from social and geographic constraints, the gender differences in activity participation also results from intra-household interactions and labor division. Key words: joint activities
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