Abstract:According to the studying practice of space structure of the public land price in Chongqing city,the paper raises a technical path of locating the standard lot that by analyzing the space distribution laws of alnd units' score of the Balance method of real estate market price to select the standard land units. Then we can locate the standard lots based on the evaluation achievement of the function features of the standard lot.
杨庆媛, 何多兴, 邱道持. 城镇标准地块空间定位探讨——以重庆市九龙坡区为例[J]. 人文地理, 1998, 13(2): 60-64.
Yang Qingyuan, He Duoxing, Qiu Daochi. THE TECHNICAL ON LOCATION THE STANDARD LOT IN THE CITY——A Case Study of Chong Qing City. HUMAN GEOGRAPHY, 1998, 13(2): 60-64.