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HUMAN GEOGRAPHY  2004, Vol. 19 Issue (3): 46-49,55    DOI: 10.13959/j.issn.1003-2398.2004.03.010
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ZHU Hua-you, DING Si-bao
College of Urban and Environmental science, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China

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Abstract  Through studying the concept of economic zone, the article tries to conceive the theory of formation and evolution of economic zone. Economic zone has different scales and levels, and its evolutional theory of time and space are growth theory, pole-axis theory and step-passing theory. There are four stages in the formation of economic zone, the first is the emergence of growth pole; the second is that the axis appears between the main two cities; the third is that more growth pole produce and being connected by sub-axis; the forth is that all the poles and axis merge and produce diffusing effect.
Based on these theories above, the article argues the existence of "Changchun-Jilin" economic zone, and further analyses its structure, function and spatial contacting form. The author thinks that Changchun city and Jilin city are the most two important growth poles in Jilin province by using synthetical index method and center-site method. Acted as the two strongest cities in Jilin province, Changchun city and Jilin city have connected to integral whole through the transportation, and while small cities between which accept radiating, they also radiate outwardly.
With increasing in its diffusing effect, "Changchun-Jilin" economic zone would have important meaning in regional development in Jilin province. Because of the stronger creative ability and the higher technology level in "Changchun-Jilin" economic zone, the factors, such as technique, funds, knowledge etc., would extend continuously and outwardly by network, and affect the regional economy development. First, "Changchun-Jilin" economic zone can promote the region's industrial structure in middle area of Jilin province through industrial diversion; second, some small cities, such as Jiutai city, Yushu city, Dehui city and Siping city, become new increasing pole, and further strengthening the economic radiation function; Third, because of Yanbian district in reality developing in the form of increasing pole, "Changchun-Jilin" economic zone can connect to integral with Yanbian district in taking face east extension to, and arouse the development of the Jilin province in whole; Fourth, it can offers the necessity for the westward of Jilin province such as talented person, funds, technique etc. In long run, "Changchun-Jilin" economic zone would drive economic development of Jilin province with its increasing diffusing effect.
Key words“Changchun-Jilin&rdquo      economic zone      spatial structure      agglomeration and diffusing      Jilin province     
Received: 10 December 2002     
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http://rwdl.xisu.edu.cn/EN/10.13959/j.issn.1003-2398.2004.03.010      OR     http://rwdl.xisu.edu.cn/EN/Y2004/V19/I3/46
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