DANG Ning1, XIAO Hui1, LI Wen-ming2 |
1. Faculty of Economics and Management, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China;
2. School of Tourism and Urban Management, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China |
Abstract The key problem in the field of tourists' pro-environmental behavior (PEB) research is to find "the influencing factors of PEB" and "their influencing mechanism". The discovery and construction of psychological variables and related model is critical to solve this problem. Therefore, in order to analyze the influencing mechanism of both "cognition" and "emotion" factors on PEB, a two-dimensional model of "EmotionCognition" is constructed with tourists' psychological contract (PC), including transactional psychological contract (TPC) explaining cognition and relational psychological contract (RPC) explaining emotions.) natural empathy (NE) was adopted as independent variables, while PEB was dependent variable. Based on this model, 6 research hypotheses are put forward. The research revealed that:1) The "emotion-cognition" two-dimensional model can be used to evaluate the influencing factors of tourists' PEB. 2) NE and RPC have significant positive effects on tourists' PEB. 3) RPC has a direct and significant positive impact on NE. 4) TPC has no direct and significant impact on tourists' PEB, but it has an indirect and positive impact on it by positively affecting RPC. 5) Thus, scenic spots can effectively promote tourists' PEB through "emotional approaches" (NE and RPC) directly, and through "cognitive approaches" (TPC) indirectly, yet they cannot effectively stimulate tourists' PEB through the "cognitive approach".
Received: 21 March 2020
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