WANG De1, DUAN Yao-min1,2, LI Xin-tian1, WEI Dan1, MA Li3 |
1. College of Architecture and Urban Planning, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China; 2. Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning of Zhumadian, Zhumadian 463001, China; 3. Shanghai Tongji Urban Planning & Design Institute, Shanghai 200092, China |
Abstract This study investigates population migration driven by basic education resources within counties, using data from Shou County to examine migration patterns, characteristics, and factors. Results indicate a concentration of educational migration toward higher-end urban areas within counties, particularly during compulsory education stages, influenced by education quality, urban economic levels, and family conditions. This research sheds light on educational migration patterns within county-level areas, informing urbanization policies and spatial planning strategies. Key findings include: 1) Educational migration forms a "reverse pyramid" population distribution, mainly towards higher-end urban areas within the county, with a significant proportion of migrants in urban areas (14%), followed by development zones (12%), education-focused towns (7%), and general towns (3%). 2) Education migration is concentrated during the first grade of junior high school, with single mothers being the predominant accompanying migrants, often engaging in full-time care. 3) Education migration is influenced by factors such as education resource quality, distance, urban economic levels, and family conditions, with different mechanisms affecting various educational stages.These insights are valuable for crafting county-level urbanization policies and spatial planning strategies, particularly in addressing urban-rural education disparities and optimizing education resource allocation within counties.
Received: 06 November 2023
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