WANG Sheng-yun1,2 |
1. Center for Central China Economic Development Research, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330047, China;
2. Institute of Economics and Management, Nanchang University, Nanchang 330031, China |
Abstract The concept of space is one of the most fundamental of geographical concepts. Nevertheless, geography has not as yet formulated an explicit and unambiguous definition of geographical space. Different schools of human geography have various explanations of the concept of space. Sometimes space is considered to be neutral, meaningless, and empty; sometimes be a meaningful container. There are concrete space and abstract space. The philosophy of space makes a profound impact on the development and applications of space in human geography, and space is a traditional research in human geography. What is space? How to recognize and interpret space? How to do research about space? Answers of these questions involve the discussion of the concept of space, the rethink the ontology and epistemology of space. This paper aims to explore the dimensions of human geography to interpret space from "philosophical perspective", "genre interpretation", "subjective and objective research", and "spatial dialectic". There are a good dialectical balance between spatiality, historic and sociality. The third space is made of the first space and the second space, but it is not simple composition of the first space and the second space. It is continuous composition and accumulation of the first space and the second space. Spatiality is the carrier of all kinds of social relations and social structures. Social life, which is the outcomes of spatiality, can shape space. The philosophy of space consists of two groups which are "absolute space vs. relative space" and "material space vs. spiritual space". Objective research of space focuses on spatial analysis and spatial structure as well as spatial organization and spatial order. However, subjective research of space focuses on the perception of environment and the subjective perspective. The authors summarize those two perspectives both objective and subjective research of space should be combined.
Received: 22 December 2009