MEI Lin, SU Nian, XUE De-sheng |
Center for Urban and Regional Studies, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou 510275, China |
Abstract Nowadays, increasing transnational actions bring more transnational institutions (TIs) to settle down in international cities. With the development and significant role of TI in the global society and international relations, relevant researches also gain more attentions in urban realm. Guangzhou, with well-developed external trade and international development, is one of the biggest cities in China. However, TIs as the significant actors in Guangzhou, still gains few attentions.
As one kind of special organization, to some extent, the spatial aggregation and evolution of TIs reflect the level of urban business function and international development path in Guangzhou, which plays significant role for understanding urban spatial pattern and globalization. The research shows that TIs' temporal and spatial distribution has transferred to the east gradually, which is actually in accordance with the spatial reconstructing and urban center shifts eastwards of Guangzhou city.
With the investigation methods of interviews and questionnaires, the research has discussed the dynamics of TIs settling down in Guangzhou from two aspects. 1) External attraction from Guangzhou includes the central function and primary position in southern China, excellent geographical position and transportation advantages, especially the transportation to Hong Kong and overseas, and also external trade attraction is the most important export and import port city in China; 2)internal demands of transnational institutions, includes the demand of developing management and regional functions with establishing headquarters and subsections, and the demand of constructing global and local network.
Received: 13 July 2011