DUAN Zhao-wen, WANG Xiao-qiang, ZHANG Ting-wei, CHEN Dan-qing |
Institute of Human Geography, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an 710128, China |
Abstract The study on the quality of life in urban community space is an important part of new humanism in urban scientific research. Based on the concept of the quality of urban social living space as the research framework, this paper evaluates the quality of urban public rental housing community (low-income community) living space from the two dimensions of material environment (community space location, community resource availability) and people-oriented cognition of community residents. The study found that the spatial layout of public rental housing in Xi'an is relatively remote and the characteristics of agglomeration are obvious; Xi'an public rental housing community has a certain spatial deprivation phenomenon in terms of the availability of community resources (education, commercial, hospital and recreation resources). except for educational resources, hospital, commercial and recreation resources are all in a low availability state. The research on the people-oriented cognition of public rental housing community residents found that the community residents were less satisfied with the housing area, housing quality, property management, and community greening of public rental housing. And the sense of community belonging was not strong. To sum up, the overall living space quality level of Xi'an public rental housing community is not high. This paper is a concrete application of the concept of quality of urban social living space in the study of specific types of communities, which deepens the understanding of the quality of life space in low-income communities and provides theoretical reference for the sustainable development of such community planning and community management.
Received: 06 March 2019
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