HAN Yong, HE Meng-lin, GAO Jun-bo, ZHENG Qian |
The Center of Targeted Poverty Alleviation and Rural Revitalization/Xinyang Development Institute, Xinyang Normal University, Xinyang 464000, China |
Abstract Space has become an important dimension for researches on social exclusion. After collecting, concluding and refining the domestic and foreign literatures, this paper focuses on the internal logical relationship and main research fields on the relationship between spatial isolation and social exclusion. Specifically, it was to emphasize the material basis of social exclusion through identifying the potential excluded groups from the neighborhood environment which hint the rights who owns. Furthermore, how to eliminating the barriers of social exclusion caused by spatial isolation need the summary of practical samples through which the mutual mechanism between spatial isolation and social exclusion was to be explicated at different scales and from diverse spatial types. China's urban is in the process of continuous transformation and reconstruction, which the most important characteristics of urban social space represents heterogeneity and polarization. The study on social exclusion in China from spatio-temporal dimension is still in initial stage. There is a lack of systematic demonstration in the following aspects that the spatial representation of social exclusion, the spatial effect of social exclusion, and the mechanism between social exclusion and spatial isolation. Therefore, geography's research paradigm should be brought into play. Taking the social integration as the ultimate goal, the identification of spatial isolation, socio-spatial effects, and its associated mechanism with social exclusion should be further explored, by using the methods of neighborhood quality evaluation, neighborhood space effects and housing space search and selection analysis, and integrating geography, sociology, urban planning, economics and other disciplines.
Received: 29 March 2020
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