HAN Jian-lei1, MING Qing-zhong2, SHI Peng-fei2, LIU An-le3, XIE Chang-wen1 |
1. School of Tourism and Hotel Management, Yunnan University of Economics and Finance, Kunming 650221, China;
2. Tourism and Cultural Industry Research Institute, Yunnan University of Economics and Finance, Kunming 650221, China;
3. School of Tourism and Historical Culture, Liupanshui Normal University, Liupanshui 553004, China |
Abstract Based on the theory of complex system, by using data envelopment analysis and social network analysis, this paper constructs the evaluation model of tourism economic efficiency and tourism network dominance. And then the paper measures and analyzes the tourism economic efficiency, the tourism network dominance and the relevant combination of 31 provinces and cities in China. Later, by using the csQCA method, this research analyzes the internal and external factors that affect tourism efficiency, tourism network dominance and their combination. The main conclusions are as follows:1) The provincial tourism economic efficiency in China presents a spatial distribution pattern of high and low differentiation between the east and the west, and so does the north and the south. 2) Factors such as the level of market environment conditions, government support, human capital, transportation distribution, regional openness and network information can generate seven driving modes of high-level tourism economic efficiency, tourism network dominance and their coordinated development through multiple configuration combinations under different circumstances.
Received: 16 August 2020
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