CHAI Xue-rui1,2, TAO Wei1,2, LU Jun1,2 |
1. School of Geography Science, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China;
2. Center for Sustainable Development of Rural and Town in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, Guangzhou 510631, China |
Abstract The traditional village's physical form is a product of both space and time with its dynamic historical continuity. To address challenges in traditional villages' conservation and development, it is necessary to understand the generation, growth and humanistic meaning of their materials and textures. This research chooses Nongmo, a traditional village in Southwestern China, as the case to unravel the formation logic and evolution process of its material landscape through the lens of the Conzenian approach. Village space, street system, property rights plot and architectural form are the four fundamental layers for analyzing the relationships between Nongmo's material and non-material forms. We find that:1) The relationship between Nongmo's material form and social culture is complexly dialectical. Civil organizations and community governance help to shape its material form. 2) The stability of different morphological elements in Nongmo varies. The street system is the most stable morphological element, the land is relatively stable, and the building form are frequently replaced. 3) The morphological evolution of Nongmo is characterised by its temporal narrative and spatial continuity.
Received: 19 November 2020
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