HAN Hui-lin1, ZOU Tong-qian2 |
1. School of Tourism Management, Beijing Open University, Beijing 100081, China;
2. School of Tourism Sciences, Beijing International Studies University, Beijing 100024, China |
Abstract Driven by the upgrading of tourism consumption, destination branding has increasingly become the focus of competition in domestic and foreign tourism industry. At present, the research on institutional behavior mainly focuses on social or cultural cognitive norms, ignoring the discussion of government institutionalization. Based on the institutional theory, this article explores how the relevant institutional behavior affects the destination brand equity from a new perspective of tourists. The empirical results show that the destination institutional behaviors can significantly positively affect destination brand equity; The study further found that in China-specific tourism institutional environment, the destination institutional behavior must conform to the rational perception of tourists in order to play the institutional effectiveness, that is, brand legitimation plays an intermediary effect between destination institutional behavior and destination brand equity, which shows that the effectiveness of destination institutional behavior needs to conform to tourists' psychological expectations and judgments. In order to ensure the reliability of the research conclusions, this article also introduces destination familiarity as a moderating variable into the research model when studying the institutional effects of destination. This has a certain deviation from the internal evaluation mechanism of the Elaborate Processing Possibility Model(ELM), which further demonstrates the particularity of the impact of institutional effectiveness on brand building and expands the applicable boundaries of the Elaborate Processing Possibility Model(ELM).
Received: 01 July 2021
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