WANG Xue-fei, WU Xiao, PENG Cheng-yao, DONG Yu-meng |
School of Architecture, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China |
Abstract There are complex correlations between Contemporary and historical urban elements. From the perspective of space analysis, taking Nanjing as the object, this research materializes the correlations into the spatial relationship between modern public service facilities and historical and cultural resources respectively in individual, unit and overall dimensions from the perspective of "modern-history". The results show that there are different degrees of spatial differentiation in different dimensions and types of facilities, which reflects remarkable rules of individual interaction, unit suitability and overall dependence. By analyzing the formation mechanism, it is found that on the dimension level, the correlations are deeply influenced by the physical geographical pattern and natural evolution, the evolution of urban structure and functional layout, and the profound influence of contemporary urban planning and heritage protection concepts and thoughts. On the facility category level, the differentiation is mainly caused by the different internal correlation logic between different types of facilities and historical elements. The directly related facilities are different because the modern urban elements continue the historical elements, while the indirect related facilities are differentiated by the influence of historical continuity through the medium of modern residential space. Therefore, first, from the static perspective, the modern city shows an obvious continuation of the historical city, and the individual elements of modernity and history have a significant spatial interaction law. Second, from a dynamic perspective, it can be said that spatial evolution is closely related to the evolution of society, politics, economy, system and culture, and all of them have simultaneous and homologous fluctuations and mutations. Third, back to the urban space itself, the current urban space is just a stable system formed by the synchronic coexistence of diachronic elements.
Received: 15 July 2022
Corresponding Authors:
E-mail: seuwxiao9999@163.com。
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