HUANG Tai1,2, WEI Man1,2, XI Jian-chao3 |
1. School of Social Science, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China; 2. Academy of Culture and Tourism Research, Soochow University, Suzhou 215123, China; 3. Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China |
Abstract In fact, the consumption scenario of urban tourism attractions has changed from closed scenic spots to borderless tourist spaces. Analyzing the mechanism of tourists' consumption difference under the new consumption scenario from the perspective of amenity can provide theoretical support for cultivating highquality urban consumption space. Specifically, this paper puts forward the method of constructing the consumption scenario of urban tourism attractions, and takes Suzhou Paradise Forest World Scenic Spotas an example to analyze the influence effect and mechanism of urban tourism attractions amenity on the consumption difference between scenic areas and blocks. The results show that: 1) Under the background of consumption upgrading, the consumption scenario of urban tourism attractions has changed into scenic spots and their surrounding blocks, and the tourism consumption is still depressed. 2) Amenity in scenic spots is the continuous driving force of consumption in urban tourism attractions, and its amenity has consumption spillover effect. 3) Block amenity is a stable supporting force for the consumption of urban tourism attractions.
Received: 05 October 2023
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