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HUMAN GEOGRAPHY  2004, Vol. 19 Issue (3): 17-21    DOI: 10.13959/j.issn.1003-2398.2004.03.004
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DING Wan-jun1, CAO Chuan-xin2
1. Bureau of Territorial Resource of Changchun Jilin, Changchun 130021, China;
2. Research Institute of Planning and Design in Urban and Rural Areas ofChangchun Jilin, Changchun 130021, China

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Abstract  Through analysis of historic process of spatial structural evolution of urban planning, we can see that our country has experienced the process from agriculture regions to urban planning space structure five times of the regional host of industry after going through. And each change of spatial structure planning has a specific social economy historical background. Our country is taking various kinds of mark and brand that different social economic systems leave over, marching toward the information
- based society, taking market economy, economic globalization, regional economy grouping as macro
- scope background. And our country is also in middle period of the industrialization and urbanization. In the face of the development environment in the new century, we should combine the national conditions of our country. Proposing on the basis of humanism, we think whether ecological regions could come and organize the basic systematic thoughts of modern urban spatial structure planning by ecological economic zone, emphasizing that space structure system development of urban planning is very constant, supporting the high-level quality of industry' s economic system of system of structure of space of urban planning, space related quality and globalization of the systematic spatial structure development of urban planning. On this basis, according to the regional differentiation of the urban area and law of making up, Ecological economy is divided into the economic complex zones of the ecology, ecological economy inferior district, three levels of economic district of ecology, undertake different ecological function, the social function and economic function in the ecological economic zone of different levels, the modern urban planning spatial structure system of regional host of ecology should be on the basis of construction of every level ecological economic zone. We should go on and optimize and recombine, make the transition to upgrade to industrialized urban function of times, form and follow the social economic function areas on the ecological law foundation, namely the ecological economic zone.
Key wordshistory evolving      humanism      regional host of ecology      spatial structure      ecological economic region     
Received: 01 December 2002     
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