HE Zhi-li1, SUN Jun1, PAN Yu-jun1, WU You-de2 |
1. College of Tourism and Geographical Sciences, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China;
2. Yunnan Chinese Language and Culture College, Yunnan Normal University, Kunming 650500, China |
Abstract Through reading the works of Antonio Gramsci, this paper founds that Gramsci's works were saturated with suggestions that politics and geography were mutually strengthen for each other. Phrased in this, we can identify Gramsci as one of key thinkers who developed the idea of 'politics of scale' as well as theories of human geography comparatively early, for:firstly, Gramsci's spacial awareness, and his discovery that in the interplay of spacial dynamics of Italy's politics, economics, and passive revolutionary tactics there existed "productional" spatial, governmental power; secondly, in jail Gramsci finished his structural model for Italy's spatial politics as well as used the theory of cultural supremacy to strengthen his ideas of spatial political theory, and insisted that all political forces were looking for hegemonic power; thirdly, as Gramsci found in his own theories of cultural supremacy and passive revolutions that there were different political powers in different spatial tactic, he took these different ideas and applied them to liberating man from occupation; and finally, Gramsci's theories on a classless revolution reflected the development and strengthening of his ideas on spatial politics, reflected Gramsci's ideals regarding an alliance of farmers and other classes for the purpose of developing a socialist society.
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