REN Xiao-li, ZHONG Shi-en, HUANG Pei-hong, ZHANG Shuo |
School of Business Administration, Nanjing University of Finance and Economics, Nanjing 210046, China |
Abstract The model of measuring traditional tourism motivation based on the individual tourism perspective cannot effectively explain the parent-child group tourism phenomenon. Based on the family system theory and taking Hongshan forest zoo in Nanjing city as an example, this paper constructs a scale of measuring parent-child tourism motivation among "promoting family relationship-strengthening children's education-individual positive experience-individual negative experience". The results show that: first, the study of parentchild group tourism motivation needs to change from the traditional individual tourism perspective to the targeted group tourism perspective. Second, the parent-child tourism motivation possess obvious parent-child features, including strengthening children's education through parent-child tourism activities and promoting family relations. Third, in parent-child tourism, a common family leisure activity, the order of importance of tourism motivation is "to strengthen children's education" > "to promote family relations" > "individual positive experience" > "individual negative experience". In addition, different demographic characteristics show that although there are some differences in parent-child tourism motivation, its main motivation is to strengthen children's education and promote family relations two aspects.
Received: 18 June 2018
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