YE Qin1, ZENG Gang2 |
1. Department of Geography, Shanghai Normal University, Shanghai 200234, China;
2. The Center for Modern Chinese City Studies/School of Urban & Regional Science, East China Normal University, Shanghai 200062, China |
Abstract After 2000, the innovation network became a research hotspot of economic geography, which was used to explain industrial development, regional growth, and regional governance. However, the existing research still have fragmentation problems. This paper uses Citespace software to review related literatures, systematically combs the research context and research content of the innovation network in the field of economic geography, and clarifies the research shortage and direction. Innovation network research focus and research direction:Firstly, in terms of cyberspace scale, existing research has focused on intra-cluster and intercluster networks, intra-city and inter-city networks (urban agglomeration networks), and global network allocation of multinational corporations; future research should transform a single scale to multi-scale network coupling research, from single network to multiple network fusion research. Secondly, in terms of network evolution and its driving factors, node evolution and the influence of multi-dimensional proximity on network evolution has become the focal point of research. In the future, attention should be paid to the evolution of industry and technology network trajectories. Thirdly, network structure and its impact on innovation, research has focused on how the node network structure affects individual innovation behaviour and innovation results, the future should deepen the overall network structure and connection reasons, and the impact of network composition on the overall network evolution.
Received: 15 May 2018
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