ZHANG Bo1, DENG Hao-kun2, AN Ning3, ZHU Hong3 |
1. School of Tourist Management, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China;
2. School of Geographical Sciences, South China Normal University, Guangzhou 510631, China;
3. Centre for Human Geography and Urban Development in Southern China, School of Geographical Sciences, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China |
Abstract This paper investigates the relationship between human geography and the application of big data by discussing the articles on big data published in the mainstream human geography journals in recent years in China. The article emphasizes that the applications of big data brings both opportunities and challenges to the field of human geography. However, how to identify the correlations between different variables becomes the biggest challenge for the human geographers to deal with. In this sense, the research on big data does not break through the current disciplinary paradigm, but attempt reflects the relations in the real world. The major findings are summarized as followed:First, the big data, as a kind of new research method, cannot replace the traditional research paradigm in the human geography field, but it can only be the complement to the existing research methods. Second, the big data itself represents a type of discourse system, which is embedded in the entire human geography research system. It therefore requires us to examine the method of big data from a more critical perspective in order to ensure the diversity within human geography and avoid being overly dependent on big data. Third, in the context of big data, we need pay more attention to the impact of big data on the methods and ideas of human geography research. Last but not least, when human geographers use big data to interpret the complexity of geographical and spatial processes, it is important that they should see how the big data can be potentially applied to the public service, at the same time, they need to understand how the results of big data can make contributions to the larger society.
Received: 06 December 2018
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