CHEN Chen1, CHENG Lin2 |
1. School of Tourism&Research Institute of Human Geography, Xi'an International Studies University, Xi'an 710128, China;
2. School of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China |
Abstract Based on GIS, this paper firstly analyzes the spatial and naming pattern of historical place names in Kuan-chung Plain from Xia to Ming-Qing dynasty. And then, from the perspective of landscape representation and Bourdieu's symbolic power theory, the cultural and political pattern during the evolution of historical place names will be revealed based on Critical Toponymy. Results indicate that:1) As the high density areas of the spatial replacement of historical place names in Kuan-chung Plain, the political center with Xi'anXianyang as the core and the military center with Tongguan and Chencang (Baoji) as the core are the focuses of space struggle for political rights. However, the sporadically distributed natural place names have historical stability in the marginal areas surrounding the political and military centers. 2) The ruling classes and the masses launched a naming game around the place names based on palace and mausoleum, the official and clan, personage and surname, wish and blessing, and sacrifice and temple. At the same time, all classes want to express their "self" value and wishes with the help of place names, which is a typical social and cultural symbol. 3) The historical place names in Kuan-chung plain have distinctive characteristics of the times. But on the whole, there is a characteristic of class ideology in the process of naming and changing of place names, and the tendency to concern about people's livelihood and culture.
Received: 30 April 2020
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