WU Jin-feng1,2, ZHOU Jing-chao1,2, SHI Xiao-teng1,2, WANG Zi-hao1,2 |
1. School of Geography and Tourism, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi'an 710119, China; 2. Shaanxi Provincial Key Laboratory of Tourism Information Science, Xi'an 710119, China |
Abstract Tourists often choose a destination based on their image rather than the objective reality, and they are more willing to choose a destination with a good image. Therefore, the Destination Marketing Organization (DMO) makes every effort to establish a positive and attractive destination image in the minds of tourists. However, the image perceived by tourists may not be consistent with the image projected by DMO, and improving the consistency between perceived image and projected image is an objective need to improve the marketing effect of destination image. So, effectively measuring the consistency between projected and perceived destination images is very meaningful for destination image marketing. This paper uses deductive method to explore a new method to measure the consistency of the two from the cognitive image dimension, and uses the domestic tourist image data of Hangzhou and Xi'an obtained from a large sample questionnaire survey to conduct empirical research. The main conclusions are as follows: 1) It is feasible to quantitatively evaluate the consistency between tourists' perceived image and DMO projected image using the calculation formulas of attribute matching degree, dimension matching degree, and overall matching degree; 2) The flagshaped chart of attribute matching degree, the fan-shaped chart of dimension matching degree and the snailshaped chart of overall matching degree provide a visual method for DMO to accurately and intuitively grasp the market cognitive image of tourism destinations; 3) The key to improve the marketing effect of tourist destination image is to improve the popularity of tourist destinations and the familiarity of tourists and the shortcut to improve the market cognitive image of tourist destinations is to improve the quality and level of tourism services; 4) From 2014 to 2015, the tourism destination cognitive image matching degree of Hangzhou was higher than that of Xi'an, and the tourism image marketing effect of Hangzhou was better.
Received: 13 December 2022
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