KANG Song-yuan, SU Wei-feng |
College of Tourism and Service Management, Nankai University, Tianjin 300350, China |
Abstract Identity construction of rural tourism immigrant entrepreneurs can provide a better understanding of this group and provide theoretical and practical guidance for external capital intervention. Using narrative identity theory as a guide and identity motivation and local connection as a theoretical framework, the study selects Longtan village in Fujian province as a case and adopts field observation and life story interviews to study the identity construction of rural tourism immigrant entrepreneurs. The results show that under the perspective of narrative identity theory, the four influencing factors of government policy provision, rural spatial-temporal situation, tourism activity intervention, and prior identity categories stimulate immigrant entrepreneurs to generate both psychological motivation and local interaction in their life journeys, and the immigrant entrepreneurs construct their own identities by the joint drive of these two types of factors. In the process of identity construction of rural tourism immigrant entrepreneurs, based on the psychological motivation and local interaction dimensions correspond to the rational-perceptual, integration-detachment continuum. On the basis of this analysis, the study further proposes a typological framework of rural tourism immigrant entrepreneurs that includes four orientations, which are conceptualized as four narrative identity types: Place erector, exquisite money-grabber, extreme hedonist, and local enthusiast. The study provides important inspirations for local governments to understand the group of rural tourism immigrant entrepreneurs and to attract external capital to participate in realizing rural revitalization.
Received: 27 August 2023
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