LUO Jing1,2, HAN Ting-ting1, PEI Li-li3, SUN Ya-ru1, TIAN Ling-ling1 |
1. Hubei Provincial Key Laboratory for Geographical Process Analysis and Simulation & College of Urban and Environmental Sciences, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China; 2. Hubei Institute of Economic and Social Development, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079, China; 3. Municipal Bureau of Natural Resources and Planning, Songzi 434200, China |
Abstract With the deepening of the rural revitalization strategy, the rational and efficient layout of rural public services has become the key to improving the quality of rural development. This paper systematically reviews the development trajectory and major issues of rural public service layout and coordinated policies, and constructs a comprehensive analysis framework around theoretical foundations, research dimensions, key links, and practical explorations. The study finds that the layout of rural public services, as an important link connecting social development and the transformation of rural-urban relations, is undergoing a transformation from single spatial layout optimization to enhanced interaction between supply and demand subjects and multi-dimensional coordination for social fairness. Currently, the theoretical system and technical methods for cross-study of rural public services are still lacking in systematic construction and updates, and the optimization path for rural public services based on urban-rural integration and supply mode transformation is still insufficient. Based on this, this paper proposes research outlooks from four perspectives: comprehensive logical framework and technical routes, big data application and methods, coordination between urban and rural public services and linkage models and social benefits, aiming to enrich the research content of rural geography.
Received: 07 May 2024
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