YU Shu-han1, FANG Yan-gang1,2, SUN Wang-tao3, LIU Jian-zhi1, YANG Yang1 |
1. School of Geographical Sciences, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China; 2. Key Laboratory of Geographical Processes and Ecological Security in Changbai Mountains, Ministry of Education, Northeast Normal University, Changchun 130024, China; 3. Institute of Automation, Chinese Academic of Science. Beijing 100190, China |
Abstract Adaptability research is the scientific basis to deal with the impact of uncertainties and realize the sustainable development of tourism. This paper constructs a new adaptive analysis framework, combines the theory of sustainable livelihood and BP neural network method, and conducts a systematic adaptive study of Guzhu Village. The results are obtained as follows: 1) After the outbreak of Covid-19, rural tourism operators showed a significant trend of part-time employment, which mainly divided into four adaptation types: tourism promotion type, e-commerce type, worker-oriented type and subsistence type. 2) Household saving, place of domicile, human capital, homestead area and other factors are key factors affecting the adaptation outcomes of operators. 3) Exogenous factors such as Covid-19 epidemic and policy governance, as well as endogenous factors such as local characteristics, rational choice of tourism operators and scale interaction, are the main mechanisms of adaptation and evolution in Guzhu Village. Finally, the paper discusses corresponding policy suggestions based on the adaptative evolutionary path of different tourism operators.
Received: 26 September 2023
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