JIN Hai-long1, XU Yu-dong2 |
1. The Bureau of Scientific Research Management, Xinjiang Normal University, Urumqi 830054, China;
2. Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China |
Abstract Bosten Lake is the largest lake in Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region and the biggest inland freshwater lake in China. With its special and bountiful tourism resources, large water landscapes in particular, it shows a strong potentiality for tourism development. Since 1991, tourism has been developing rapidly and the number of tourist reached 435 000 in 1998. Com pared with the vast achievement of tourism in Bosten Lake, tourism research isn't enough. Therefore, it is necessary to study the tourism in Bosten Lake so as to guide its tourism development in a scientific approach. In this paper, the author firstly analyses the spatial structure and supply of tourism, visiting-routes and the regional distribution of tourists. Some conclusions as fallows have been draw n:(1) The rapidity of development has been slow down and the pattern of development has been changed from that of ex tensive to an intensive one.(2) The tourist sites centralize in small area and decentralize in the w hole tourist region.(3) The number of tourists in northern beach of Bosten Lake is far more than that in southern beach of Bosten Lake, but at the initial stage of tourism development, the situation was just the opposite.(4)85.9% of tourists come from within Xinjiang, with those from Kuerle city accounting for 45.3%, and Aksu city, 33.9%. Secondly, based on the analysis of comparative-advantages and spatial competition, some traits of market are found:(1) although there are many lakes in Xinjiang, few are as competitive as Bosten Lake for the development of sightseeing tourism and recreational tourism.(2) Byinguoleng Mongolia Autonomous District, consisting of Bosten Lake, Loulan Ancient City, Lop Nur and Swan Lake etc, is famous both at home and abroad. The local economy has strong potentiality and is growing rapidly, and this enable local tourism a stable tourist market. Five interrelated weak points are presented in the third part. The local tourism suffers from the shortage of:(1) a systemic plan,(2) a vivid tourism image,(3) a reasonable distribution of tourists in peak periods and off seasons,(4) qualified managers and welcoming local people,(5) tourist products with high quality and local cultural characteristics. At last, some suggestions and solutions are put forward according to the present problems.
Received: 27 April 2000