XIAO Xing, LI Wen-bing, WU Yan-ji, ZHANG Lin |
The Research Center of Tourism Development and Planning of Northwest Normal University, Lanzhou 730070, China |
Abstract In this paper, the outdoor recreation system of the urban area, consisting of outdoor place and outdoor installation of recreation, is fit for the recreation behavior whose size is small in the activities spectrum of the citizen outdoors. It is very necessary to research and construct the recreation system outdoors. First of all, it can modify internal life-space structure in the city, and improve the quality of inner urban living space. Secondly, it is suitable to spatial rule of the citizen's activities in spare time-distance attenuation. Thirdly, a well outdoor recreation system can make up for the gap between the expectation of citizen to their leisure activities and the status quo of their leisure activities. In the authors' opinion, as for a recreation system constructed in the urban environment, it's inevitable to comply with some principles:①regionalism style;②inner target-oriented;③cooperating with urban planning;④modern technology cooperating with traditional method. As a case of Lanzhou city, some thoughts are provided on how to construct the outdoor recreation system in Lanzhou's urban area. In the first place, it is important to survey the Lanzhou city's status quo, not only its environment features with "corridor" effect should be considered, but also over one million citizen's daily life would not be overlooked. Then, under fully utilizing available outdoor place and outdoor installation of recreation, both the recreation corridor and the recreation system adhere urban center should be built up. By way of designing and planning the outdoor recreation system, the urban garden along the Yellow River would turn into one of the biggest urban gardens in the world. The outdoor place and outdoor installation of recreation adhere to urban center would encroach community and neighborhood. And then, a perfect outdoor recreation system would come into being.
Received: 03 September 2001