CAO Fang-dong, WU Jiang, Xu Min |
School of Geographical Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China |
Abstract This paper provide a research on the structural fractal features, the fractal features of urban spatial relationship and the fractal features of urban transportation network of Nantong city. The research is based on fractal theory by using the GIS software. The authors analyze the first index of urban system of Nantong, the gravitation of central city as well as the length of the transport network including radium dimension and network branches dimension. Firstly, the authors review the theoretical development of fractal geometry. The concept of fractal is defined as a rough or fragmented geometric shape that can be split into parts, each of which is (at least approximately) a reduced-size copy of the whole. The authors point out that the definition is too limited because in some cases, there are no similarities between parts and the whole but it could be regarded as fractal. It is necessary to develop fractal theory in geography studies. Secondly, the authors analyze the fractal distribution characteristics of Nantong city. The result shows that the urban scale structure is not reasonable. So, the urban system of Nantong blocks the development of the city's functions. The industry structure is mainly built up by upstream industries including textile, raw materials, heavy and chemical industries, as well as transport and simple service which limited the improvement of urban system. Thirdly, the spatial structure in urban system can be analyzed with the fractal theory including the urban hierarchy of fractal characteristics of urban system, spatial association of fractal analysis, the fractal analysis of spatial distribution of urban transport network. Finally, the authors point out that the analysis could provide policy basis for the development of urban system of Nantong.
Received: 08 June 2009