SUN Fei-xiang1,3, Lv La-chang1,2,3
1. College of Resource Environment and Tourism, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China;
2. College of Management, Capital Normal University, Beijing 100048, China;
3. Beijing Urban Innovation and Development Research Center, Beijing 100048, China
Abstract:This study seeks to examine the relationship between urban compactness and innovation output. We construct theoretical framework of urban compactness and urban innovation. Compactness could be related to innovation capacity in three ways:First, compactness could provide higher accessibility andspatial proximity, which could foster networking opportunities between people via the enhancement of social capita and promote knowledge flow and interaction between innovative people and resulting in less innovation and knowledge production; Second, compact urban form offers pedestrian-friendly places, and higher quality-oflife outcomes, which in turn would attract talented human capital as the driving force behind innovationbased economy; Third, a potential impact of compactness on innovation capacity is reference to the concept of tolerance and diversity. Using this theoretical framework, based on data of 281 cities in China in 2010, this study calculates a composite urban compactness index measuring density, land use and transportation patterns and analyses their spatial structure in China. Then spatial regression model is used to measure the extent to which urban compactness, tolerance and talent capital increase urban innovation output. We found statistically significant evidence that compact cities indeed lead to better city innovation output. At the subnational level, the effects of compact cities are stronger in the central and western region. As Chinese cities move rapidly to reduce urban density with more automobile friendly transportation, this study shows that changed urban forms may have negative innovation output consequences.
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